Greece, flight-free

Flight-free made easy
All transport and accommodation included

Journeys you’ll love
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Top trips to Greece

Through Italy to Corfu

Zurich, Bologna, Bari, Corfu, Ancona and Milan

During the summer months, uncover the UNESCO Heritage town of Corfu on Greece’s verdant Ionian Island by way of Switzerland and Italy.

Discover Athens

Milan, Bologna, Patras, Athens, Bari, Paris

Slow travel by train, boat and bus to reach the city of Athens for a taste of ancient archaeology and alfresco Saganaki on the Plaka steps.

Balkans and the Aegean

Vienna, Bucharest, Sofia, Istanbul, Ankara, Ìzmir, Marmaris, Rhodes, Athens

A trip for adventurous sojourners. Traverse by sleeper trains through the Balkans to Europe’s border, before heading to Greece’s ancient wonders.

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