Unpacked | News | Inspiration
Travel trends 2025
Looking ahead to 2025, we’ll be booking earlier, becoming undertourists, stopping in superbly sustainable accommodations, chaining our trips, enjoying the luxury of time, travelling the seasons and living life in the quiet carriage.
Spotlight on: Central and Eastern Europe
Harriet Matthews explores Byway’s latest Central and Eastern European offering, and why heading east is best done by rail.
Spotlight on: Socioeconomic travel
Harriet Matthews explores the meaning of social sustainability, and five places harnessing the power of travel for good.
Food and drink in Hauts-de-France
Adrienne Salmon spends a weekend discovering the region of Hauts-de-France, and all its delightful, and interesting, food and drink.
Spotlight on: seven off-season wonders
Harriet Matthews dives into her 7 off-season wonders for the hazy end of summer.
Unpacked: Edge Season Travel
Just one simple change to extend your summer and have a positive economic impact on the places you explore.
Spotlight on: carbon-friendly trips
Not flying is the single most impactful change an individual can make to reduce their carbon footprint. But for those who’ve already made the foray into flight-free travel, what are the next steps for an even more carbon-friendly holiday?
Unpacked: Decarbonising travel
How Byway - and you - can challenge the carbon-heavy status quo of the travel industry.
6 ways to reduce your carbon footprint when travelling
2020 was a year of travel restrictions. 2021 brings the hope of the vaccine, and with it, the opening of internal and external borders and an opportunity to travel cleaner and greener on the other side. As we head into the year of the vaccine, let’s travel better. Here are some of our top green tips to keep your journeys squeaky carbon-clean.